Man on Wire

Philip Petite walks tight rope across WTC Towers.
James Marsh’s acclaimed film, ‘Man on Wire’ left me completely astonished, the photograph above should explain why. Marsh’s 94 minute documentary captures the remarkable story of one Philippe Petit, a French high-wire artist who, on the morning of August 7 1974,  walked a tight rope strung across the two World Trade Center Towers (with no safety net or harness). The amazing feat took him 6 years in planning with the help of a small team of friends. Astoundingly, Philippe managed to sneak into WTC building 1, in a laundry hamper, he and his friends evaded security  all the way to the rooftop where he set up the tightrope using a cross bow and cable.


At approximately 7:15 am the next morning, Philippe stepped off the building and walked for a total of 45 minutes before police intervened and arrested him for trespassing.

The stunt was received with mass public ovation, so much so that Philippe was acquitted of the charges laid against him and granted a lifetime pass to the Twin Towers Observation Deck.
Petit with his autograph on the ledge the wire was tied.

“When I see three oranges, I juggle; when I see two towers, I walk.” – Philipe Petite


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